New book: Decellularized Extracellular Matrix: Characterization, Fabrication and Applications

The book Decellularized Extracellular Matrix: Characterization, Fabrication and Applications (Editors: Tetsuji Yamaoka, Takashi Hoshiba) focuses on the sources of dECM and its preparation, characterization techniques, fabrication, and applications in regenerative medicine and biological studies. Using this book, the reader will gain a good foundation in the field of ECM decellularization complemented with a broad overview of dECM characterization, ranging from structural observation and compositional assessment to immune responses against dECM and applications, ranging from microfabrication and 3D-printing to the application of tissue-derived dECM in vascular grafts and corneal tissue engineering etc. The book closes with a section dedicated to cultured cell dECM, a complementary technique of tissue-derived dECM preparation, for application in tissue engineering and regenerative medicine, addressing its use in stem cell differentiation and how it can help in the study of the tumor microenvironment as well as in clinical trials of peripheral nerve regeneration.
E. Keshi, I.M. Sauer and K.H. Hillebrandt contributed the chapter "Engineering an endocrine Neo-Pancreas".
The print version of this book (Royal Society of Chemistry, ISBN 978-1-78801-467-0) is planned for release on 11 December 2019.