
21. Chirurgischen Forschungstage
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The 21. Chirurgische Forschungstage took place in Cologne. Five of our students gave terrific presentations: S. Moosburner gave an oral presentation on „Steatotic Liver Transplantation – a Growing Problem with Severe Complications“, H. Everwien on „Different biological scaffolds as a platform for engineering an endocrine Neo-Pancreas by using decellularization and recellularization techniques“, M. Noesser on „A comprehensive description of the development of a stable closed circuit for ex vivo rat liver machine perfusion“, R. Horner on „Is Percoll purifcation necessary for isolation of primary human hepatocytes?“, and N. Seiffert on „Recellularization of Decellularized Bovine Carotid Arteries using Human Endothelial Progenitor Cells: One Step towards an Autologous Bypass Graft“.
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ESOT The Future of Transplantation
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The ESOT YPT Workshop and its Presidential Debate gives you a chance to engage with a variety of speakers in a lively ‘town hall’ format, as well as connecting with other young transplant professionals from around the world. The session will begin with talks from three key presenters on the past, present, and future of transplantation and open Q&As with each presenter. 

09:00– 10:35 - The future of transplantation: 3 lectures on Past, Present and Future CHAIRS: Alice Koenig, Lyon, France   Thomas Resch, Innsbruck, Austria
09:05 Lecture: The future of transplantation - Historical Perspective Sir Roy Calne, Cambridge, United Kingdom 09:25 Open Q&A with Roy Calne
09:35 Lecture: The future of transplantation - Present perspective Jan Lerut, Brussels, Belgium 09:55 Open Q&A with Jan Lerut
10:05 Lecture: The future of transplantation - Future perspective  Igor Sauer, Berlin, Germany
10:25 Open Q&A with Igor Sauer
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Charité BIH Entrepreneurship Summit
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The Charité BIH Entrepreneurship Summit is a preeminent international cross-disciplinary forum for sharing and exploring the most important discoveries and emerging trends influencing the future of healthcare around the world.

Every year in May over 400 global leaders in healthcare innovation, including entrepreneurs, scientists, physicians, investors, policymakers, and business leaders convene at the Charité BIH Entrepreneurship Summit in the vibrant German capital of Berlin. We offer our participants a one-of-a-kind opportunity to meet with world-class specialists working at Charité & MDC, to build relationships with prominent international partners and experts working in the healthcare industry, and to help grow businesses.

This year's 10th Charité Entrepreneurship Summit will again take place at the Berlin-Brandenburg Academy of Sciences and Humanities on May 8 - 9, 2017. The Summit is significantly supported by the Berlin Institute of Health and focusses on 'Global Challenges of Healthcare'. Israel will be the official partner country for the Summit 2017. We are looking forward to learning more about the Israeli innovation & start-up culture, funding opportunities and challenges in Healthcare.

The Summit's two-day agenda will address a wide variety of topical issues including change of innovation culture, healthy aging & degenerative diseases, virtual reality and mental health. In addition, the Summit will seek to engage participants in lively discussions about business, science and the intersection of the two. Startups and Entrepreneurs are invited to apply for the LifeSciences VentureMarket, a platform to present their companies to a pool of international angels, venture investors, and corporate funds at this year's Summit.

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Decellularization of pancreata – EPITA Award
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Ben Strücker presented our latest results on DECELLULARIZATION OF WHOLE RAT PANCREATA – EVALUATION OF THREE DIFFERENT PERFUSION ROUTES at the 5th EPITA Winter Symposium in Innsbruck from the 25th to the 27th of January 2015. He received the AIDPIT&EPITA Award for the best oral presentation. Congratulations!

Ben Strücker presented three effective protocols for rat pancreas perfusion decellularization, evaluating different perfusion routes. In contrast to liver decellularization the perfusion route seems to have no major impact on decellularization results. The dPECMs could serve for cellular repopulation with islets from a different (xenogene) origin to generate functional, transplantable endocrine pancreata in vitro.
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Presentations at DTG 2014
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Nathanael Raschzok presented his poster „Protein biomarkers for diagnosis and prediction of acute cellular rejection after liver transplantation“, Benjamin Strücker his work entitled „Oszillierende Druckschwankung verbessern signifikant die Ratten- und Schweineleber Dezellularisierung“ and Rosa Schmuck her posters „Risk of postoperative infections after LTX rises with MELD score“ and „Protein biomarkers in bile as a diagnostic tool after liver transplantation“.
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Ben Strücker: Charité Clinical Scientist
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Dr. med Benjamin Strücker successfully applied for the Charité Clinical Scientist 2015 program.
His project is entitled „Humanized Porcine Liver““. Clinical mentor is Prof. Dr. Johann Pratschke, scientific mentors is Priv.-Doz. Dr. med Igor M. Sauer.

The program is supported by Stiftung Charité which was endowed by the entrepreneur Johanna Quandt in order to promote biomedical "knowledge entrepreneurs" that is, change makers in biomedicine at the Charité. The goal of this program is to develop new career paths in clinical specialist medical training. The focus of the training program "Clinical Scientist" is translational research ("bench-to-bedside") which will be realized by a reduction in clinical routine and an improved curriculum with defined goals.
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25th European Student´s Conference
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The ESC is one of the largest student-run biomedical conferences worldwide. It was established in 1989 as one of the first student conferences facilitating exchange between Western and Eastern Europe. Until today, it aims to foster international understanding within the young scientific community, and to promote high-quality science among young researchers in the biomedical field.

This year’s lecture series “Rethinking Medical Research – how do we achieve innovation?” will explore the dichotomy of medical advances by looking at both the opportunities and challenges that are presented to researchers and physicians. With topics ranging from open access policies, pharmaceutical innovations, and revolutionary health policies to advances in global health – we hope that this year’s topic will both challenge and inspire our participants!
The conference will take place from September 17th – 20th at the Virchow Klinikum Campus of the Charité Universitätsmedizin in Berlin, Germany.

More information here!
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Biologisierte Medizintechnik
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Die Berlin Partner für Wirtschaft und Technologie, Bereich Medizintechnik, die Charité - Universitätsmedizin Berlin und die IHK Berlin laden zum
28. Treffpunkt Medizintechnik „Biologisierte Medizintechnik“
am Donnerstag, 25. September 2014, 9 bis 17 Uhr
in der Charité – Universitätsmedizin Berlin, Campus Virchow-Klinikum
Mit dem „Treffpunkt Medizintechnik“ wird eine interdisziplinäre Dialogplattform für Klinik, Wissenschaft und Wirtschaft geboten.
Die Deadline für Vortragsmeldungen ist der 11. April 2014. Unter finden Sie weitere Informationen und haben die Möglichkeit, sich auch online anzumelden.
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41st Annual Congress of the ESAO in Rome
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Prof. Celestino Pio Lombardi, Gemelli Polyclinics, Catholic University of the Sacred Heart in Rome, and Prof. Gerardo Catapano organize the 41st Annual Congress of the European Society for Artificial Organs (ESAO) in Rome, Italy.

The 41st ESAO Congress will be focused on “Patient happiness: the Holy Grail of organ substitution”, and will be held on September 17-20, 2014 at the Giovanni XXIII congress center located inside the Gemelli Polyclinics in Rome, Italy. The meeting is expected to attract aprox. 600 participants with both clinical and technical expertise from all over the world.
The objective of the Congress is to bring together scientists with different backgrounds working at the development, optimization and translation to the clinics of treatments of organ deficits based on the use of artificial, bioartificial, and cell-based organs or prostheses, and to discuss the importance of technical, psychological and ethical issues to the happiness of patients with serious tissue or organ deficits so as to re-define the design criteria of devices and treatments.
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ESAO 2013 in Glasgow
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The XXXX ESAO Congress took place in Glasgow, September 11th - 14th, 2013. This year we had three oral presentations focussing on our latest results in decellularization and recellularization of the liver. Ben Strücker presented our latest results on „Improved rat liver decellularization by arterial perfusion under oscillating surrounding pressure“. Antje Butter and Karl Hillebrandt gave two oral presentations during the yESAO Rapid Fire Session on „Proprietary rat liver decellularization device utilizing oscillating surrounding pressure to improve micro perfusion within the organ“ and Pig liver decellularisation through portal vein and hepatic artery perfusion under oscillating surrounding pressure“.
Furthermore, Karl Hillebrandt received the „2. Prize for the best Poster“!
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ESOT 2013 in Vienna
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Martina Mogl gave an oral presentation on „Characterization of cells isolated from explanted diseased human livers and evolution after cold storage“ at this year’s 16th Congress of the European Society for Organ Transplantation (ESOT) in Vienna.
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12th Congress of the Cell Transplant Society
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The 12th Congress of the Cell Transplant Society tookplace in Milan, Italy, from July 7 to 11, 2013.
Nathanael Raschzok gave a presentation on "Loco-regional detection and stimulation of transplanted liver cells by particle-based miRNA depletion" and Martina Mogl on "isolation of adult hepatocytes and progenitor cells from explanted diseased human livers“.
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IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society
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The 35th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (EMBC’13) will take place 3-7 July 2013, at the Osaka International Convention Center, in Osaka, Japan.
The conference will cover diverse topics such as biomedical engineering, healthcare technologies, and medical and clinical applications.
The ESAO will be represented via a minisymposium entitled "Artificial Organs for Metabolic Support. The most Challenging Problems". Jan Wojcicki will give a presentation on "Artificial Organs for Metabolic Support: The Most Challenging Problems of Artificial Pancreas", Bernd Stegmayr on "Artificial Organs for Metabolic Support: The Most Challenging Problems in Severe Kidney Injury When Dialysis Is Necessary" and Igor Sauer on "Artificial Organs for Metabolic Support: The Most Challenging Problems of Liver Support".
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Einladunfgzur öffentlichen Abschlusspräsentation
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Sehr geehrte Damen und Herren,
Dear ladies and gentlemen,

Sie sind herzlich eingeladen, unserer öffentlichen Abschlusspräsentation unseres EU/EFRE-Projekts am 20.03.2013 um 15:00 Uhr beizuwohnen. Zusammen mit unseren Partnern der Firma microparticles GmbH werden wir den aktuellen Stand zur „Entwicklung von Partikel zur Detektion und ultralokoregionären Stimulation transplantierter Leberzellen“ darlegen.
You are cordially invited to attend our public presentation of our EU/EFRE project. Together with our partners of microparticles GmbH we will present our latest results concerning the „Development of particles for detection and ultralocoregional stimulation of transplanted liver cells“.

20.03.2013 um/at 15:00

Experimentelle Chirurgie und Regenerative Medizin
Klinik für Allgemein-, Viszeral- und Transplantationschirurgie
Charité, Campus Virchow-Klinikum
Pilzraum, 1.OG

Wir wären dankbar, wenn Sie Ihr Kommen via email (ätigen könnten.
RSVP via email (
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GASL Poster Prize
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Nathanael Raschzok's poster entitled "Serum protein biomarkers for acute rejection
in liver transplantation" was awarded with the GASL 2013 poster prize during the 29th Annual Meeting of the German Association for the Study of the Liver (GASL) in Hannover, Germany. Co-authors are Kukuh A. Prabowo, Anja Reutzel-Selke, Rosa B. Schmuck, Mehmet H. Morgul, Laura M. Tannus, Stephanie König, Sven Jonas, Peter Neuhaus, and Igor M. Sauer.

Although 20–40% of patients experience at least one episode of acute rejection (AR) after liver transplantation (LTx), diagnosis of AR is still mainly based on tissue analysis from liver biopsies. Biomarker routinely taken from blood samples would be a powerful non-invasive tool for monitoring of the liver graft status. The aim of this study was to investigate the diagnostic and prognostic value of serum protein biomarkers for acute rejection in LTx recipients. Serum samples from n=20 patients with AR and n=15 stable controls were analyzed. CXCL9 and CD31 were up-regulated in AR samples compared to controls at the time point of histologically proven rejection and at earlier time points prior rejection. Areas under the Receiver Operation Characteristics (ROC) curves were 0.6 and 0.7 at the day of rejection and 0.8 at POD1 for CXCL9 and CD31, respectively. IL-6 was increased prior and during rejection, while CD44 showed an opposite trend.
Serum protein biomarkers could be valuable for detection and prediction of AR after LTx. However, a larger number of patients, additional control groups, and prospective clinical trials will be necessary to proof the clinical utility of this diagnostic tool.

Moreover, Rosa Schmuck presented her data on "Bile: miRNA pattern and cell morphology as a diagnostic tool after liver transplantation" (co-authors: Nathanael Raschzok, Anja Reutzel-Selke, Steffen Lippert, Stephanie König, Kukuh A. Prabowo, Mehmet H. Morgul, Laura M. Tannus, Sven Jonas, Peter Neuhaus, and Igor M. Sauer) and Luisa Lisboa her work on "MicroRNA miR-352 in early liver regeneration: what role?" (co-authors: Nathanael Raschzok, Annekatrin Leder, Natalie Schlüter, Marc Jörres, Susanne Kolano, Antje Butter, Steffen Lippert, Wiebke Werner, Peter Neuhaus, and Igor M. Sauer).
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XXXX ESAO Congress in Glasgow
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The European Society for Artificial Organs (ESAO) invites you to the XXXX ESAO Congress of the society to be held in Glasgow (Scotland, UK), September 11th-14th 2013.The motto of the ESAO congress will be 'lab to patient - from concept to treatment.
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Presentations at EASO 2012 in Rostock, Germany
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This year members of the team gave the following presentations:

“Liver: Current regenerative strategies and future solutions for the liver" (N. Raschzok, oral presentation)
"Neohybrid liver graft - a novel concept of in vivo tissue-engineering" (S. Rohn, oral presentation)
"Micro RNAs in liver regeneration: the mysterious MIR-352" (L. Lisboa, oral presentation)
"Micron-sized iron oxide particles for detection and loco-regional stimulation of transplanted liver cells" (A. Leder, oral presentation)
"Prospective validation of cross organ serum protein biomarkers – Initial results with CXCL9 and CD44 for diagnosis of acute liver rejection" (K.A. Prabowo, poster presentation)
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TTS 2012 - Thank you!
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The Science Circuses are located at each end of the Exhibition Area. You will find the Mini-Theatres for the Mini-Oral Sessions here as well as the Poster Lounges and the Web Stations. Science Circus I includes Mini-Theatres 1 – 5; Science Circus II includes Mini-Theatres 6 – 10. In each Science Circus you will find Web Stations where you can access the web as well as the ePosters.
Via wireless headphones and dedicated channels for each mini-theater this is – to our knowledge – the first successful concept for mini-oral presentations!
Thanks to m-events and Interplan for the tremendous support!

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TTS 2012 | Over 500 presentations online!

The LOC would like to thank all participants for a tremendous 24th International Congress of The Transplantation Society in Berlin!
2268 abstracts were submitted and more than 4800 delegates from 94 countries attended the congress!
The Postgraduate Weekend offered 14 workshops with 45 speakers. Beside 29 Sunrise Symposia with 103 Speakers, 34 State of the Art Sessions with 138 speakers and five Plenary Sessions (16 speakers) we had 53 sessions with 465 oral presentations and 37 sessions with 287 mini oral presentations !
Furthermore, we would like to thank Astrid Enke, Lena Dochat and Stefanie Rensch (Interplan) and the technical experts at m-Events for their excellent work !
As Science and Medicine is nothing without vivid life we would like to thank Rotfront, Berlin Comedian Harmonists and the Capital Dance Orchestra for their memorable performances!

All the great photos by Jan Pauls.
The organ sculptures were made by Jan Pareike.

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ESAO 2012 - Final Program Online!

Prof. Dr. Gustav Steinhoff, congress president of the XXXIX. ESAO Congress, invites you to Rostock on September 26th – 29th, 2012. The venue of the ESAO 2012 congress is the Academy of Music and Theatre, which resides in an old monastery in the city centre.
The motto of the ESAO Congress 2012 will be “from replacement to regeneration – from science to clinic”. The current state of organ assist and organ support allows for a rapidly advancing clinical practice for several hundred thousand patients worldwide.
The scientific program committee did select 59 keynote lectures of renowned international experts, 131 selected oral presentations and 101 poster presentations from worldwide scientific contributors. Nine poster presentations were selected for short oral presentation. We provide a clear program structure by highlighting one special organ system each congress day: heart/cardiovascular (Chair: G. Steinhoff) , liver (Chair: S. Mitzner) and kidney (Chair: W. Ramlow). The program comprises 45 oral and 2 poster sessions with cardiovascular, dialysis, biomaterials and apheresis topics ( Above all the congress program integrates aspects of both basic science and clinical development with a clear focus on translation and clinical practice. We intend to host you on an excellent and exciting congress by inviting outstanding experts and by giving young and promising clinicians and scientists the opportunity to present their work. Especially for young scientists there will be one day for yESAO activities (Tuesday, Sept. 25, 2012). Industry symposia, a poster exhibition and an industrial exhibition will complete the congress program.

We are looking forward to seeing you in Rostock 2012.

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TTS 2012 | Presentations
We had 4 oral presentations and one poster presentation at TTS 2012..
Martina Mogl presented "Neohybrid Liver Graft - a Novel Concept of in Vivo Tissue-Engineering"
Rosa Schmuck presented our first results concerning "miRNA Pattern Within the Bile as a Diagnostic Tool after Liver Transplantation"
Nathanael Raschzok gave an oral presentation entitled "Silica-Based Micron-Sized Iron Oxide Particles for Detection and Loco-Regional Stimulation of Transplanted Liver Cells"
Haluk Morgül gave a talk on "MicroRNA as Biomarker for Diagnosis and Prediction of Recurrence of Human Hepatocellular Carcinoma after Liver Transplantation - Preliminary Results from a Multicenter Database"
Furthermore, the group presented a poster concerning "Prospective Validation of Serum Protein Biomarkers for Detection of Acute Liver Rejection – Initial Results with CXCL9 and CD44"
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XXXIX ESAO Congress in Rostock, Germany
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On behalf of the European Society for Artificial Organs (ESAO), Prof. Dr. med. Gustav Steinhoff invites you to the XXXIX. ESAO Congress to be held in Rostock (Germany), September 26th – 29th, 2012. Rostock is a prospering and easy-to-reach hanseatic city directly located at the Baltic Sea coast. The venue of the ESAO 2012 congress is the Academy of Music and Theatre, which resides in an old monastery in the city centre. Rostock is home to one of the oldest universities in the world: founded in 1419. The motto of the ESAO Congress 2012 will be “from replacement to regeneration – from science to clinic”. The meeting will provide a clear program structure by highlighting one special organ system each congress day: heart/cardiovascular, liver and kidney. Above all the congress program integrates aspects of both basic science and clinical development with a clear focus on translation and clinical practice. We intend to prepare an excellent and exciting congress by inviting outstanding experts and by giving young and promising clinicians and scientists the opportunity to present their work. Especially for young scientists there will be one day for yESAO activities. Industry symposia, a poster exhibition and an industrial exhibition will complete the congress program.
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TTS 2012 Abstract submission now open!
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Please join the mailing list and follow us via Twitter @TTS2012 for latest information concerning the 24th International Congress of The Transplantation Society to be held in Berlin, Germany from July 15th - 19th 2012 !
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TTS 2012: Follow us via Twitter!
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The 24th International Congress of The Transplantation Society to be held in Berlin, Germany from July 15th - 19th 2012 is designed for physicians, surgeons, scientists and organ procurement personnel, who are interested in clinical and research aspects of solid organ, cell and tissue transplantation. The program is developed to encourage the exchange of new scientific and clinical information, and support an interchange of opinions regarding care and management issues, as well as socioeconomic, ethical and regulatory issues relevant to transplantation.
In addition to the classical types of scientific sessions including plenary sessions, symposia, workshops and poster presentations, we will also offer new types of scientific sessions within the Forum Futurum.
The Forum Futurum is a forum integrated in the congress that will take place on three days. Each day is assigned to a topic and the forum is dedicated to cutting-edge science in our field. The topics are Regenerative Medicine, Imaging and Tailored Pharmacotherapy.
The Forum Futurum is designed to be a highly interactive communication space where companies can introduce their products and conversations about the latest research are stirred. In a futuristic environment the Forum Futurum contributes to an extraordinary TTS 2012 Exhibition experience and will provide exhibitors the opportunity to highlight new product information to physicians and health care professionals. Enhance the educational element of your company's noteworthy products and services with a presentation in the Forum Futurum. The Forum Futurum provides exhibitors with a unique and effective marketing opportunity to hold live promotional presentations or activities designed to raise awareness of featured services and products.
The Forum Futurum will make its debut in the TTS 2012 Exhibit Hall, featuring experts from companies and scientific groups providing state-of-the-art content-led information about new technologies, products and ideas. The Forum Futurum will be open July 16th – July 18th. Every day is dedicated to one emerging field in transplantation:
Monday, July 16th, 2012: One Day on Regenerative Medicine
Tuesday, July 17th, 2012: One Day on Imaging
Wednesday, July 18th, 2012: One Day on Tailored Pharmacotherapy
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SPAD in children with acute liver failure
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Hannelore Ringe published the investigations concerning the applicability, efficacy, and safety of single-pass albumin dialysis in children ("Continuous veno-venous single-pass albumin hemodiafiltration in children with acute liver failure." Pediatr Crit Care Med. 2010 Oct 1. [Epub ahead of print]). Co-authors are Varnholt V, Zimmering M, Luck W, Gratopp A, König K, Reich S, Sauer IM, Gaedicke G, and Querfeld U.
The paper reports on a retrospective data review of uncontrolled clinical data of an university-based pediatric intensive care unit collaborating with a local center for liver transplantation. Nine children, aged 2 to 15 yrs, who were treated with single-pass albumin dialysis for acute liver failure of various origins under a compassionate-use protocol between 2000 and 2006. All patients met high-urgency liver transplantation criteria. Single-pass albumin dialysis was performed as rescue therapy for children with acute liver failure. The decrease in hepatic encephalopathy (grades 1-4) and the serum levels of bilirubin, bile acids, and ammonium were measured to assess the efficacy of detoxification. As a measure of liver synthesis function, thromboplastin time and fibrinogen were analyzed. The safety of the procedure was assessed by documenting adverse effects on mean arterial blood pressure, platelet count, and clinical course. Seven out of nine patients were bridged successfully to either native organ recovery (n = 1) or liver transplantation (n = 7), one of them twice. Six out of nine patients undergoing single-pass albumin dialysis (ten treatments) survived. In six patients, hepatic encephalopathy could be reduced at least by one degree. Ammonium, bilirubin, and bile acid levels decreased in all patients. One patient had an allergic reaction to albumin. In childhood acute liver failure, treatment with single-pass albumin dialysis was generally well tolerated and seems to be effective in detoxification and in improving blood pressure, thus stabilizing the critical condition of children before liver transplantation and facilitating bridging to liver transplantation. It may be beneficial in avoiding severe neurologic sequelae after acute liver failure and thereby improve survival. Single-pass albumin dialysis is an inexpensive albumin-based detoxification system that is easy to set up and requires little training. Whether and to what extent single-pass albumin dialysis can support children with acute liver failure until native liver recovery remain unclear.
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Presentations at this year´s XXXVII ESAO Congress
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At this year's XXXVII ESAO Congress, in Skopje. R. Macedonia, Wiebke Werner and Nathanael Raschzok gave oral presentations.
Nathanael Raschzok presented data on "In vitro evaluation of magnetic resonance imaging contrast agents for labeling of human liver cells" (N. Raschzok, D. A. Muecke, M. Adonopoulou, N. Billecke, A. Zielinski, W. Werner, U. Teichgraeber, I. M. Sauer). Wiebke Werner reported on "Temporal microRNA gene expression profiles of the regenerating rat liver after partial hepatectomy" (W. Werner, N. Raschzok, H. Sallmon, N. Billecke, C. Dame, P. Neuhaus, I. M. Sauer), a joint project of the Department of Neonatology, Charité, and our group.
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XXIII International Congress of TTS
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Nathanael Raschzok presented our latest results with labeled hepatocytes in the pig model at the XXIII International Congress of The Transplantation Society in Vancouver, Canada. The oral presentation was entitled "MRI enables monitoring of transplanted hepatocytes in a preclinical large animal model" (N. Raschzok, N. Billecke, A. Zielinski, K. Steinz, N.N. Kammer, S. Schmeisser, M.H. Morgul, M.K. Adonopoulou, J. Pinkernelle, L. Morawietz, B. Hiebl, W. Rüdinger, U. Teichgräber, P. Neuhaus, I.M. Sauer).
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The 60th Lindau Nobel Laureate Meeting
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The 2010 Lindau Meeting took place from June 27 till July 2. The 3rd interdisciplinary meeting brought together more than 650 young researchers from around the globe with 59 Nobel Laureates from the fields of physiology or medicine, physics and chemistry.
The Lindau Nobel Laureate Meetings provide a globally recognised forum for the transfer of knowledge between generations of scientists. They inspire and motivate Nobel Laureates and international Best Talents. Lectures of Nobel Laureates reflect current scientific topics and present relevant fields of research of the future. In panel discussions, seminars and during the various events of the social program young researchers nominated by a worldwide network of Academic Partners interact with Nobel Laureates.
Taking into account the national selection procedures, in excess of 20,000 young researchers apply to attend each Meeting. After Ruth Schwartländer attended in 2008 this year Nathanael Raschzok was chosen and received an invitation to Lindau.

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XXIII International Congress of TTS
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The XXIII International Congress of The Transplantation Society, the leading international congress on transplantation biology and medicine, will be held in Vancouver, Canada from 15 - 19 August 2010. The translational program will draw together experts from around the world, and will encompass innovations in genomics and proteomics, molecular analyses of human diseases, innovations in biological and pharmacological immunosuppression, novel approaches to tolerance induction, technical advances in robotic surgery and imaging, advances in clinical practice and many other topics at the cutting edge of stem-cell, cellular and solid organ transplantation.
The XXIII Congress will be one of the largest and most exciting international gatherings of clinicians and scientists in the field of transplantation, drawing more than 4,000 delegates from all parts of the world. The international delegation will enjoy a stellar Scientific Program, commencing with a comprehensive and cutting-edge Postgraduate Education Program on Saturday 14th August and Sunday 15th August, and continuing with a panoply of outstanding plenary symposia, state of the art lectures, individual scientific presentations, and thematic symposia from Monday 16th August to Thursday 19th August inclusive.
The 2010 Congress will provide an outstanding opportunity for networking with colleagues and leading experts, and for sharing and discussing clinical advances, late-breaking discoveries and therapeutic advances in this field.
More information is available via Furthermore, you may download the 2nd announcement here.
Important dates:
Abstract Submission Opens: October 2009
Online Registration Opens: November 2009
Abstract Submission Deadline: 5 March 2010
Author Notification of Acceptance: 7 May 2010
Early Registration Deadline: 4 June 2010
Late Breaking Abstract Deadline: 11 June 2010
Hotel Reservation Deadline: 25 June 2010
Regular Registration Deadline: 16 July 2010

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World Conference on Regenerative Medicine 2009
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The World Conference on Regenerative Medicine (WRM) will be held from October 29th to October 31st, 2009 in Leipzig. The Fraunhofer Institute for Cell Therapy and Immunology is once again organizer and host of this scientific event and the Translational Center for Regenerative Medicine (TRM) Leipzig has become co-organiser of the event. Main topics will be stem cells, tissue engineering, technology development, immunology, signaling, and regulatory affairs.
The final program is now available - more information via .
Nathanael Raschzok will present our latest results concerning "Tracking of Transplanted Liver Cells in a Preclinical Large Animal Model", Thursday, October 29th, 2009, 04:00-05:30 pm, session: Imaging of Regeneration II, Hall 4.

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ESAO 2009 - presentations
At the XXXVI Annual Meeting of the European Society for Artificial Organs ESAO 2009 in Compiègne/France the following projects have been presented by members of our group:

Tracking of transplanted liver cells via clinical 3.0 tesla MRI A. Zielinski, K. Steinz, N. Raschzok, N. Billecke, N. Kammer, M.H. Morgul, M. Adonopulou, S. Schmeisser, J. Pinkernelle, W. Ruedinger, U. Teichgraeber, I.M. Sauer
Evaluation of application sites for liver cell transplantation in a large animal model K. Steinz, A. Zielinski, N. Raschzok, N. Billecke, N.N. Kammer, M.H. Morgul, M. Adonopulou, L. Morawietz, W. Rüdinger, I.M. Sauer
Methylprednisolone and tacrolimus prevent hypothermia induced endothelial dysfunction - possible use in transplantation surgery K.R.L. Schmitt, A. Diestel, N. Billecke, F. Berger, I.M. Sauer
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One Day of the Liver 2009
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The traditional One Day on the Liver will be part of the XXXVI Annual Meeting of the European Society for Artificial Organs ESAO 2009 at the Université de Technologie de Compiègne in France. ODOL 2009 will take place September, 3rd focussing on "Cells, Hybrids, and Machines".
The following keynote lectures will be given:
Clinical Results of Liver Cell Therapy in Children with Urea Cycle Defect by Dr. Dr. W. Rüdinger, Weinheim, Germany,
Xenotransplantation. Where are we in 2009 ? by Dr. A. Billiau, Leuven, Belgium,
Problems and Opportunities: Perspectives of Bioartificial Liver Support by Dr. R. Hoekstra, Amsterdam, Netherlands,
New perspectives of artificial liver support by Prof. Dr. D. Falkenhagen, Krems, Austria.

We expect to present you all lectures as video streams after the meeting.
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HAI 2009 - New aspects in liver support
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The group was awarded with a research bonus (Forschungsprämie) by the Bundesministeriums für Bildung und Forschung (BMBF, Federal Ministry of Education and Research) supporting the development of micron sized particles for the detection of transplanted cells via MRI. The program is part of the High-Tech Strategy for Germany, launched by the Federal Government in August 2006 to encourage the development of new products and innovative services.
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Our manuscript "Depletion of donor dendritic cells ameliorates immunogenicity of both skin and hind limb transplants" has been accepted for publication in Frontiers in Immunology, section Alloimmunity and Transplantation. Authors are Muhammad Imtiaz Ashraf, Joerg Mengwasser, Anja Reutzel-Selke, Dietrich Polenz, Kirsten Führer, Steffen Lippert, Peter Tang, Edward Michaelis, Rusan Catar, Johann Pratschke, Christian Witzel, Igor M. Sauer, Stefan G. Tullius, and Barbara Kern.

Acute cellular rejection remains a significant obstacle affecting successful outcomes of organ transplantation including vascularized composite tissue allografts (VCA). Donor antigen presenting cells (APC), particularly dendritic cells (DC), orchestrate early alloimmune responses by activating recipient effector T cells. Employing a targeted approach, we investigated the impact of donor-derived conventional DC (cDC) and APC on the immunogenicity of skin and skin-containing VCA grafts, using mouse models of skin and hind limb transplantation.
By post-transplantation day 6, skin grafts demonstrated severe rejections, characterized by predominance of recipient CD4 T cells. In contrast, hind limb grafts showed moderate rejection, primarily infiltrated by CD8 T cells. While donor depletion of cDC and APC reduced frequencies, maturation, and activation of DC in all analysed tissues of skin transplant recipients, reduction in DC activities was only observed in the spleen of hind limb recipients. Donor cDC and APC depletion did not impact all lymphocyte compartments but significantly affected CD8 T cells and activated CD4 T in lymph nodes of skin recipients. Moreover, both donor APC and cDC depletion attenuated the Th17 immune response, evident by significantly reduced Th17 (CD4+IL-17+) cells in the spleen of skin recipients and reduced levels of IL-17E and lymphotoxin-α in the serum samples of both skin and hind limb recipients. In conclusion, our findings underscore the highly immunogenic nature of skin component in VCA. The depletion of donor APC and cDC mitigates the immunogenicity of skin grafts while exerting minimal impact on VCA.




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