Charité BIH Entrepreneurship Summit

The Charité BIH Entrepreneurship Summit is a preeminent international cross-disciplinary forum for sharing and exploring the most important discoveries and emerging trends influencing the future of healthcare around the world.
Every year in May over 400 global leaders in healthcare innovation, including entrepreneurs, scientists, physicians, investors, policymakers, and business leaders convene at the Charité BIH Entrepreneurship Summit in the vibrant German capital of Berlin. We offer our participants a one-of-a-kind opportunity to meet with world-class specialists working at Charité & MDC, to build relationships with prominent international partners and experts working in the healthcare industry, and to help grow businesses.
This year's 10th Charité Entrepreneurship Summit will again take place at the Berlin-Brandenburg Academy of Sciences and Humanities on May 8 - 9, 2017. The Summit is significantly supported by the Berlin Institute of Health and focusses on 'Global Challenges of Healthcare'. Israel will be the official partner country for the Summit 2017. We are looking forward to learning more about the Israeli innovation & start-up culture, funding opportunities and challenges in Healthcare.
The Summit's two-day agenda will address a wide variety of topical issues including change of innovation culture, healthy aging & degenerative diseases, virtual reality and mental health. In addition, the Summit will seek to engage participants in lively discussions about business, science and the intersection of the two. Startups and Entrepreneurs are invited to apply for the LifeSciences VentureMarket, a platform to present their companies to a pool of international angels, venture investors, and corporate funds at this year's Summit.